Financial Reports & Presentations

SKYCITY is committed to delivering sustainable total shareholder return that rewards multi-year investment in the company

Reports & Presentations: 2020 - SkyCity Entertainment Group

Annual Meeting 2020

SkyCity Entertainment Group - AGM 2020 - Chairman's Address


SkyCity Entertainment Group AGM 2020 - Chief Executive Officer's Address


SkyCity Entertainment Group AGM 2020 - Operations Update



SkyCity Entertainment Group AGM 2020 - Audit & Risk Committee and Adelaide Sub Committee Chair Address

SkyCity Entertainment Group AGM 2020 - Sue Suckling Address

SkyCity Entertainment Group AGM 2020 - Jennifer Owen Address

SkyCity Entertainment Group AGM 2020 - Murray Jordan Address

SkyCity Entertainment Group AGM 2020 - Full Recorded Session (held in NZ at 1pm NZT)