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ASX/NZX - SSH Notice - BlackRock, Inc. and related bodies corporate

Disclosure of movement of 1% or more in substantial holding or change in nature
of relevant interest or both.

Sections 277 and 278, Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013

To: New Zealand Stock Exchange
Relevant event being disclosed: Movement of 1% or more in substantial holding

Date of relevant event: 22 December 2015

Date this disclosure made: 24 December 2015

Date last disclosure made: 1 October 2014

Substantial security holder(s) giving disclosure
Name(s): BlackRock, Inc. and related bodies corporate

Summary of substantial holding to which disclosure relates

Class of listed voting securities: Ordinary Shares

Summary for: Product holders listed in Appendix A
For this disclosure,—
(a) total number held in class: 35,614,393
(b) total in class: 593,030,574
(c) total percentage held in class: 6.005%
For last disclosure,—
(a) total number held in class: 40,792,063
(b) total in class: 582,088,094
(c) total percentage held in class: 7.008%

Details of transactions and events giving rise to relevant event
Details of the transactions or other events requiring disclosure under the instructions to this
form: Refer to Appendix B (in the attachment)

Details of relevant interests in substantial holding after relevant event
Details for: Product holders listed in Appendix A (in the attachment)

Nature of relevant interest(s): The power to control the acquisition or disposal of the quoted
voting product and/or the exercise of a right to vote attached to the quoted voting product,
arising only from the powers of investment contained in each case under investment
management agreements appointing each entity as investment manager of funds or separate
accounts (i.e. entity currently exercising investment discretion on behalf of the relevant funds or
separate accounts). No relevant agreement document needs to be attached under Regulation 142.

For that relevant interest,—
(a) number held in class: Refer to Appendix A
(b) percentage held in class: Refer to Appendix A
(c) current registered holder(s) of securities: Refer to Appendix A
(d) registered holder(s) of securities once transfers registered: Not Applicable

For a derivative relevant interest, also—
SKC 22.12.15_NZ 604.docx604_ NZ
(a) type of derivative: Contracts for Difference
(b) details of derivative:
- Notional number of underlying shares: 2,975,620
- These derivatives are all cash-settled.
- Derivatives were acquired and/or disposed of as follows: Refer to Appendix B
(c) parties to the derivative: Refer to Appendix C
(d) if the substantial product holder is not a party to the derivative, the nature of the relevant
interest in the derivative:

The power to control the acquisition or disposal of the derivative – Refer to Appendix C (in the attachment).

Additional information
Nature of connection between substantial security holders: Refer to Appendix A
Address(es) of substantial product holder(s): Refer to Appendix A
Contact details: Andrew Yik, Tel +61 2 9272 2305, Email
Name of any other person believed to have given, or believed to be required to give, a
disclosure under the Act in relation to the securities to which this disclosure relates: n/a

I, Kayla McGrory, Authorised Signatory, certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief,
the information contained in this disclosure is correct and that I am duly authorised to make this
disclosure BlackRock Investment Management (Australia) Limited.


Attachment: SSH Notice - BlackRock, Inc. and related bodies corporate

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