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Another major conference for New Zealand International Convention Centre

The New Zealand International Convention Centre (NZICC) has booked another major conference for 2020, securing the Tripartite Colorectal Annual Meeting with New Zealand based professional conference organiser The Conference Company.

The four day Tripartite Colorectal Annual Meeting will be held in New Zealand for the first time and the conference will draw 1,200 delegates, generating an estimated 3,000 room nights and $2 million economic benefit to Auckland.

The Tripartite Colorectal Annual Meeting brings together six colorectal organisations from the United States, United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand to showcase innovative technology and share the latest research in the field.  The Annual Meeting will incorporate topic-specific symposia, expert panels, workshops, presentations, and meet the professor breakfasts.  

The news follows last week’s announcement that the NZICC had secured its first major conference booking, the 35th APAO Congress and the IAPB 11th General Assembly, to be held in 2020 for a total of 6000 delegates.

Callum Mallett, NZICC General Manager Operations, says that securing such esteemed international conferences at the NZICC shows that momentum is gathering with bookings at an early stage.

“To announce three high calibre conferences within a week is fantastic. It’s our strong, collaborative partnerships with organisations like The Conference Company that will help ensure we continue to secure conferences of this status,” says Mr Mallett.

As well as this major conference win, the NZICC will today showcase it’s innovation at the Asia Pacific Incentives and Meetings Expo (AIME) by releasing a series of immersive 360 degree videos - the first virtual tour of the NZICC interior.

“We developed this technology with our clients in mind so they can best understand how the different spaces of the NZICC will bring their event to life. We see this technology, alongside these recent bid wins, making the NZICC an appealing venue that people can really enjoy working with,” says Mr Mallett.


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